The Audit Key is a special key with an anthracite coloured cap and a yellow body, with a high storage capacity, able to make up to 65/70 collections, depending on the quantity of data to be exported. Subsequently via a PC, the desktop terminal and the UNICO or UNICO AUDIT software, it is possible to download the data stored on the key, view it, print it or save it in a .TXT or .XML file for subsequent processing using special management software. Appropriate formatting of the Audit -> Audit + Log key also enables the logs recorded inside the reader to be stored during the data collection stage. In this particular function, the following can be exported for each key: Machine no. – Key no. date/time – type of operation performed on the key.

With this function enabled, the number of machines from which the audits can be extracted, decreases. The key is delivered without application and safety codes. To use it, please refer to the UNICO software guide.